We work with families, individuals and couples to support them to navigate the interplay of multiple relationships and the adversities that often arise in our personal or family life. Our approach supports people to understand and address their personal challenges in the context of their wider personal, work and social relationships. 

Family Therapy 

One-to-One Therapy 

Couples Therapy 

Family therapy starts with a conversation about what the family, and individual family members, understand their difficulties to be. It supports family members - spouse, parents/carers, children, extended family and friends - to build stronger lines of communication, more connected relationships and healthy boundaries. It promotes mutual understanding and problem-solving so that family members learn to navigate a way forward together. 
One-to-One or individual therapy is confidential time with a trained professional to help you think about, and work through, personal issues. Some of the benefits of one-to-one therapy are; expanding your ways of getting support; gaining a better understanding of yourself and your wider relationships; learning how to identify and handle different emotions; developing coping strategies; and support while undertaking significant life changes. 
We support couples to talk through the challenges their relationship is experiencing. We understand that all relationships face difficulties at some point. We believe people have the capacity to understand and overcome what might may feel like insurmountable issues. Couples and relationship therapy explores the lived experience we bring to an intimate relationship, how people change over time and to navigate how the relationship might need to adapt, so that it remains fulfilling for both parties.